The Superior Choice for Commercial Officers

Commercial Officers Group has embraced the vision that you, the Commercial Officer, deserve a seat in the C-suite.  You are the champion of high-yield contracts and commercial relationships, and we are the leading enabler of that effort. We are passionate in making this happen and have commenced a mission to provide you the resources needed to make this vision a reality. Every Commercial Officer has their own unique requirements. If there is anything that you need which you cannot find on this website, please let us know. It is likely that we have the resource and solution.

A High Caliber of Commercial Services

Your needs are varied and we have assembled a portfolio of resources to enable your success. These offerings include:

  • Advisory, assessment, and coaching services
  • Learning and development – on-line, classroom, and blended formats
  • Repository of tools, templates, recordings, and other resources
  • Staff augmentation
  • Webinars and podcasts

The Portal Library – Your Access to a Wealth of Resources

We have created a Library of resources targeted to enable a high-yield on your contracting resources.  The Library includes:

  • Over 180 webinar recordings
  • Over 300 white papers, samples, tools, and templates
  • And the list grows each week

Once you have received your license to the Library, here is how to access these resources: