Assessments – Professional Certification Preliminary Exam

Commercial Officers Group has developed a professional certification program in Commercial Project Management, designed to build upon existing, relevant professional certification programs from across the globe. Those programs include those offered by PMI, NCMA, ACC, CIPS, ISM, and myriad others.

COG recognizes current professional certifications from these respected bodies by awarding points to the commercial practitioner who can demonstrate that they currently possess the credentials. However, COG does require that the Commercial Project Manager (CPM) candidate also demonstrate mastery of the CPM Body of Knowledge. This can be accomplished through either of the below methods.

  • Complete enough COG CPM modules and related quizzes to accumulate sufficient certification points and then successfully pass (85% score) the CPM Certification Exam.
  • Complete the COG CPM Certification Preliminary Exam with a successful score of 85%. If the candidate elects to take this route, and does not pass the Preliminary Exam, they are expected to then complete a sufficient number of COG CPM modules and related quizzes before attempting the CPM Certification Exam.

These two options are available due to the fact that many CPM candidates already possess sufficient mastery of the CPM Body of Knowledge arising from other programs. COG is willing to recognize and defer to those other programs, and not require candidates to re-learn the content prior to receiving COG certification. The COG CPM Preliminary Exam serves as a means to expedite qualified candidates through the process without incurring unnecessary delay nor expense in pursuing their COG CPM certification.

The Commercial Project Manager (CPM) Certification Preliminary Exam can be found here.